I took this from a blog of a friend. She wrote this. I never knew this is what she thought of me. I am glad to know. She called me ugly but I am not hurt. Honesty is definitely better than lies.
Here it is:
I have known this girl for almost 3 years and i have been awed by her attitude until today
This girl looks bad physically * nt that I'm being mean* and she is big in size..but she doesn't care. she has never bothered to go on a diet or get herself an expensive dermatologist to help her instead she lives with it without a single care in the world.
I was close to her for a certain period of time, but kinda drifted apart as we always had the opposite opinions on everything including friends but we did talk and joke around its just that we have different clique.
This damstress wears what she pleases although often it never suited her body shape ( as she was kinda big in places) though she had been told never to wear those clothes again she shuts them up and still wear em'. Look at that how many girls actually do that ??? ermmm none !
people do look at her oddly but she doesnt bother haha.
She eats allot to..trust me i have seen. She never bothered about how big is she and certainly dieting was never on her mind, another thing i always looked up on her for.
She is good at criticising* usually the truth* and saying what she thinks right in front of you, in other words she isn't a backstabber and a very brave person..she stands up for her self and age of her victims doesn't count.
Other than that her thinking is simply unique. the way she thinks is like so out-of-the-box..i mean she thinks about thinks other people don't think off. she is definitely smart scores like no body's business in exams.
She is known to be on her own. she doesn't mix around much with people so she is constantly on her own, she sometimes goes out shopping or eating all on her own whiteout a care in the world.
After getting to know her background such as how she grew up or how her parents were, somehow i figured out why did she turn up this way. she grew up in a broken family where her parents were both perfectionist but rarely care what their kids were up to. i know she grew up hating her parents, she doesn't say it out but i sensed it when she speaks of them.
And so that's why she became an independent person, who doesn't live on other people's satisfaction on purely on hers
This one girl that I'll never forget..hope she rocks her life like she always does.......
Dark Angel Eona: I will. I see no reason to stop. Although I wonder why you said 'until today'...? You dont think I'm not awesome anymore? XD