21 March 2014

First Crochet Project: Estelle Button Cowl by Fiber Flux

So, some people may know that I have recently taken up crochet, teaching myself the techniques and shit.

I had long since wanted to crochet something as a gift. What better chance for my childhood friend whom I am meeting after 9 years being apart?

Scouring the entire Youtube on a crochet pattern that a novice like me could do, I stumbled upon The Estelle Button Cowl by Fiber Flux. You can watch the tutorial video here.

Don't even get me started on yarn-hunting. I went high and low to get a yarn that'll be of a yellow-green shade to compliment my childhood friend's line of work - a United States soldier. I was hoping it'll give off a 'camouflage' effect.

It costed quite a bit - the yarn, but I don't mind. I haven't seen the idiot for a long time I am hoping the scarf would be well-maintained.

So..here it is!

Made a swatch to test my gauge and technique for the pattern.

Ball of yarn in all of it's unused virginal glory.

Me grabbing some balls because I am related to Azog the Defiler.

This particular yarn is a wool-acrylic combination.It eyelashes easily and it's ply's also comes apart easily. I wouldn't use this yarn again. A little rough feel on the skin but strong and durable nonetheless. 

Getting started.

Close up.

The colour-run is pretty.

Close up of the pattern.

First ball of yarn being used.

At this point, I have started a second ball of yarn.

One ball of yarn used up 27-28 inches.

And measures 7 inches across.

Site where yarn change had taken place. The straggler pieces had been weaved in.

2nd ball of yarn using up.

Finished product.

Close up.

More close up because I am a show-off.

This had been a fulfilling project. Very happy with how it turned out despite being a 6 month-old novice in crocheting. 

The Mother was jelly and made orders. Figures.

17 March 2014

The Downfall of Bronies and Otakus.

I am expecting to get a lot flame and hate over my convictions over this piece so I am here to stay that I am firm in my standpoint and I have no plans of budging away from it.

So here goes nothing.

*You should have an idea of what Bronies and Otakus are to read this piece.

Let us start by Bronies since I have always been a fan since the first generation by Hasbro.

Urban Dictionary defines Brony as such: A name typically given to the male viewers/fans (whether they are straight, gay, bisexual, etc.) of the My Little Pony show or franchise. They typically do not give in to the hype that males aren't allowed to enjoy things that may be intended for females.

The female fanbase is called a Pegasis, though not popularly used.

Recently, the My Little Pony fanbase had been under ire by the media because the fans had taken to sexualizing cartoon animals. Just google MLP r34 and have a look at the disgusting monstrosity yourself.

My Little Pony, since it's conception, had always been intended for preteen girls. It wasn't until Gen 4.0 My Little Pony - the ponies that we know today - that catapulted into overnight sensation. Among the male fanbase

This was indeed unexpected and a pleasant surprise, as MLP Gen 4 is a sign that gender roles and norms are breaking, that boys are no longer afraid to be part of a seemingly exclusive female fanbase.

What My Little Pony is that it is a feminist cartoon for girls - it is empowering, encouraging, intelligent, filled with excellent life lessons, good morals and overall goodness.

It teaches girls to be themselves, it teaches girls to stand up for adversities, it teaches girls that there is no competition between them, that they're not beneath other people - subtly hinted 'not beneath their male counterparts'.

It is a fucking good show for girls, each of the main characters in the show has her flaws, and she overcomes them, learns from them with the healthy support of her peers and environments.

But something happened along the way - something absolutely fucky.

Some irresponsible people started to draw these ponies in explicit sexualized forms, performing acts that only adults can comprehend.

Granted, the cartoon has a strong male fanbase - but did they not forget that this cartoon was made for little girls and will remain so? A quick google image search of MLP is sure to have a smattering of R34 ponies in full view of children who are barely out of puberty.

The very mention of being a fan of My Little Pony had resulted a bastardized perception of the fanbase, thanks to a handful of assholes who don't know the limit between personal choices and borderline bestiality.

I find myself hesitating to admit that I am a Brony. The last thing I want is to people picture me as a deprived human being scribbling ponies in nefarious elements. I want to be known as a fan who appreciates the show for all its goodness glory.

It is a shame that something so phenomenal has had its reputation tarnished because the actions of the minority of the fanbase had been brought into attention in wrong magnitudes.

Now on to Otakus.

The very mention of Otaku, automatically links the term to the wonderful world of anime.

I am NOT a middle aged man living in his mother's basement, spending my day surfing hentai of the most depraved nature and wanking off to 9-year-old virtual girlfriends with double D's.

Do not mistake an Otaku for a NEET, these two are not the same. It just happens to that these NEET's, are oftentimes an Otaku.

There is a difference with being synonymous and being a sub-group.
It is as bad as saying all Christians are bible-thumping homophobes.

Granted - the anime genres themselves, the artwork and intended population of the anime leans heavily towards the male population. With what having preteen girls in the bodies of young women, anime girls in barely there clothes, skirts a little too short for reason. Don't even get me started on stereotypical anime girls with screeching voice and peppy attitude. I have no idea why that is considered attractive, seriously.

But then, have a look at these diagram.

Can you see? Can you see where exactly is the problem??

As long as there is a demand, there will be supply - this is the basic principle of a Capitalist society.

Anime had never been about providing fap material to its audience. It has always been a genuine expression of art.

Spirited Away, Howl's Moving Castle and other Studio Ghibli productions are also animes, will you group them with the mainstream genres that you are currently in perception of?
Can't stomach the thought, can't you?

Why give exclusivity to one but hard on the other? 

Anime is an intelligent industry. It is ever evolving, ever surprising, always wonderful.

It is a source of comfort to many. Admittedly, animes leans towards being dramatic and exaggerating but fiction is fiction and imagination fuel is imagination fuel. You do not have the right to disrespect someone's source of comfort, exclusion being with those deprived ones we discussed earlier.

I am especially affected by this negative notion of being an Otaku - anime literally saved me from suicide and depression. The stories in animes taught me important life lessons. 

Angelique taught me to do whatever I can to keep myself happy as my happiness should come above everything else. Rurouni Kenshin taught me self-redemption and the importance of forgiving myself for things that I can't control. Psycho-Pass recently taught me that I must always question my government and demand to be freed from a large-scale tyranny because a society is run by the people, not the country. Shingeki no Kyojin  and Dragonball taught me that every life is important and precious, and if we have power to change something for the good, even if it means sacrificing yourself - you must do it. Bartender taught me that people are always burdened with problems, no one has it easy, no one lives through their life traipsing on daisies. Each one of us has our problems and with good social support, we can help others and ourselves find light in darkness. Great Detectives Poirot and Marple (yes, the very same Poirot and Marple by Agatha Christie) taught me that my decisions in life led me exactly where I should be, and that I am exactly where I should be. 

If you still regard Otaku's as some dungeon-dwelling perverts, well too bad and shame on you. We are more than that. We are lovers of art and everything that is fine. We do have a good and firm grip on reality, thank you very much. Anime provides a refreshing and inspirational getaway from life's troubles, temporarily and effectively.

I may not have convinced to alter your initial perceptions of Otakus and Bronies, but here's hoping you'd look at things from both sides of the coin from now on.

Peace out.

13 March 2014

MH370 - What the Fuck Happened?

And what the fuck is going on?

Illustration purposes only.

Let's recap.

  • Plane went missing.
  • Plane is said to have lost it's signal in the Vietnam Gulf.
  • Intense SAR was initiated. Malaysians bore witness the unity of all the 14 countries that is helping Malaysia to locate the missing plane. As a Malaysian, you have my vast gratitude.
  • The ministry and military and marines release contradictory statements one after the other. People are reasonably angered.
  • Malaysia attempts to give monetary compensation to the affected families in Beijing.
  • The Chinese government expressed great anger over Malaysian government's incompetence to handle this professionally.
  • The parties involved suddenly revoked all issued statements and began searching for the missing plane in the Malacca Straits, where the plane is said to have made a U-turn. 
  • The Vietnamese troop froze the search for the plane temporarily because the Malaysian government is exhausting their resources and frankly, they're exasperated by continuous misinformation from the Malaysian troop. 
  • Search continues but no one knows where now - it can be assumed it is being done at both the Vietnamese gulf and Malacca Straits. 
  • A self-proclaimed 'world-class' Bomoh (read that as Charlatan) is making a fool of himself at the KLIA airport, performing some epic WTF rituals involving a magic carpet, umbrella, basket and 2 coconuts. The world is laughing.
  • At this point, more clusterfuck is to be expected.
Side note:

1. The pilot is revealed to have broken various ethical codes when it comes to flight regulations.

2. Safety check was not done on the plane prior to take off.

3. Two Iranian passengers were said to have boarded the plane via stolen passports, acting as some Australian pax. This was highlighted for a while, not it has completely died down.

4. It's last known recorded transmission of the flight heard the pilot said "Goodnight". It is assumed that at this point the plane was still fine and someone deliberately turned off the transmission.

Review ~ The Girl in the Ice by Robert Bryndza

  I'd give this 3.5 stars. It's his first book so there's that.  The plot ran smoothly with realistic dynamics between character...