29 June 2012

On Handling Social Loafers

Picture source: www.all-about-psychology.com

We all have that one guy who a) offers to do the easiest part of the assignment, b) never offers to do anything as a matter of fact and c) the lurker who appears at the very last minute to tell everyone else what to do and d) the guy who just lurks and waits for someone to give him something.

I loathe all of these types. It's like I put my sweat and fart into doing this shit for all of us and you still get the credit of everyone else's hard labor.

Talk about being a dick.

We have all been there heck, maybe I have unknowingly been a social loafer myself but none that I remember. I am always careful to take one of the heaviest workload so as not be labelled as one.
It's one of the biggest insult I can give to myself of my pride, respect and credibility.

How do you handle these leeching creeps? Keep on reading.

1) Hint/suggest lightly that you'd like everyone to take the same amount of workload to be fair to everyone.

Use the guilt trap. They should know that you know who is the culprit and you mean business.

2) For types (b), (c) and (d), give them one of the heavier workload.

This is a rather hands on approach. Rather aggressive too. This method should only used if they're refused after the method in (1).

3) Ask the lecturer/educator to require to list down their work partition in the front page.

Amidst doing the assignment, one of you should email the lecturer and ask that you'd like to list down the pages that the members have done.

This would scare the shit out the pants of the one guilty as something would definitely reveal who did(or did not do) what. Some of the subjects in my own university advocates the use of this method/format - which I think is a good idea. 

Commence the elimination of leechers!!

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