15 July 2011

Contact Lenses

How many of you here have wondered about the origin of contact lenses, raise your hands.

*bunyi cengkerik bergelumang di atmosfera*

Okay...that's a start! @___@'

You know, color lenses seem to have existed since forever right? Well, we all know how glasses came about but what about contact lenses? Who invented it? When was it invented? Fret not, I'll answer those!

The earliest draft for contact lenses was made by none other than Leonardo Da Vinci himself, the creator of the infamous Mona Lisa portrait.
His idea for the contact lenses was not to correct faulty vision but to see how well the eye can accomodate to foreign object if it came in contact to. The actual person who actually manifested this idea to be used as a vision corrector is Adolf Fick in 1888 that were made from blown glass. Back then, contact lenses were anything but confortable.

 Adolf Fick

Admit it, glasses aren't the best for the human default peripherals it's hard to check that hot guy(or girl for boys) when the rim is obstructing our view. For a good number of years, contact lenses were uncomfortable to the wearer thus rendering them unpopular among the visually challenged. It wasnt until the creation of new plastic material known as polymethylmethacrylate (abbreviated PMMA) is that the popularity and production of contact lenses boomed. Kevin Touchy is the first man ever to create soft lenses in 1948 and these soft lenses were a great relief of those who could not wait to abandon their glasses and opt for a natural look even with faulty vision. As an astigmatism sufferer for 10 years, wearing contact lenses were Godsend. I wore glasses since the age of 12 to early 21. Sometime of April this year I got my first contact lenses and I have been hooked since.

Some gallery for you:

Earleir packaging of soft lenses. As you can see the brand is Acuvue.

Earliest contact lenses made from blown glass. As you can the top three are scleral lenses and the below two are pupil-sized.

Different between soft scleral lenses and normal pupil soft lens(worn by majority)

The more colorful variety that allows a person to fulfill their fantasies. Eye color fantasis that is. C'mon, we all at one point wanted ridiculous eye color. I still want green eyes!

 Scleral lens fills the whole eye. Normal lenses just covers the pupil.

SFX lenses that give the eye an other-worldly look.

My own collection:

Original eye color.

Very first contact lenses. Freshlook Colorblends Green.

Second lenses. FreshLook Colorblends Grey. I didnt like this very much.

Blincon Sweetie Blue. I received many compliments from wearing these lenses and it was my favourite. 

Blincon Jazzy Summer Brown. I hate this color. Mum chose for me.

Maxim(Blue Box) Violet. I bought this secretly. =P Not very comfortable in my opinion.


Azree Haikal said...

cool ones nikita..

Contact Lenses for Big Eyes said...

Hi there, awesome site. I thought the topics you posted on were very interesting. I tried to add your RSS to my feed reader and it a few. take a look at it, hopefully I can add you and follow.

Princess Ganga said...

Hey Anon,

I'm pretty sure calling me ugly won't make you pretty.


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