31 October 2011

Karma: What Goes Around Comes Around Indeed

Okay, this is actually the ''sequel" of this post: http://talesofaluciddreamer.blogspot.com/2011/10/lookie-what-i-found.html

Better read that post first before you read this one.
Anyhow, lemme get started, mmkay?

It started on a Saturday morning where I went to the nearby mall for some time out alone(I have no boyfriend LOL): usual Forever Alone routines include eating lunch, visiting Guardian, Watson's, Speedy, MPH, S&J Gift Shop, Mug Stores, Toy Shop, and that ground floor in Jusco where they sell everything ranging from shoes to clothes to makeup and stuff. I wont even take 2 hours really I'm pretty fast when it comes to lepaking alone. A quick trip to the grocery store then I'm off to hostel.

After having done all this, I sat in the dingy Metro bus with my card holder necklace containing Hostel ID and Student Card. The bus reached my destination so I got down and after the bus left a few feet away only then I discovered...my Hostel ID and Student ID have dropped in the Metro bus!!!

I was in deep shit because after that weekend, that coming weekday is my exam week!!! Finals, that's what!

I actually broke down in the middle of the road, panicking like nobody's business as to what the f*ck will I do now that I don't have my student ID to enter the exam hall! Across the street was a bus stand, a young woman came over asked what was the matter and I tearfully recalled what happened.

Turns out she was an admin staff at my college and she told me to calm down, wrote on a piece of paper on what I could do for a temporary student ID that would allow me to enter my exam hall for a certain extended period of time.

OMG is she a guardian angel or what? Since there was still time, I promptly went to my school after having kept my stuff in the room and did a lot walking to and fro from buildings I never even knew existed until then.

You see, the karma part here is that after I have applied for a new Hostel ID and new Student ID, a week later I got a knock on my door late in the evening, one day before my first finals.

There stood a thin girl asking me if I'm (my name). I was like "Um, yes and you are...?".

Just like that, she handed over a blue and a green card, both of which was the Student ID and the Hostel ID that I have lost a week ago in that dreaded Metro Bus respectively.

I couldn't believe it. I just...WOW. Just WOW! How is this remotely possible? As I stood there incredulous and amazed at my luck I thanked her sincerely from the bottom of my heart.

I gently cradled those 2 cards in my hands, placed them on my study table and just looked at them.

It's hard for me to fathom this. I mean, what are the odds? What are the odds that I would get back something I was convinced was lost forever and was hopeless about it? I suppose I could thank my lucky stars this time or my guardian angel who has a big heart. Whoever it was that made this work for me, I thank you.

You just saved me lots of money and hassle. I not only managed to get back the money I paid for my replacement cards but my old cards were still in good shape.

The catch?

I only realized this 3 years after it had happened.

Perhaps, I was helped because I had helped someone in the same situation.

So folks, help people as much as you can and don't expect anything in return. The Universe have a pretty magical way of working with turn of events.

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