30 April 2013

What a Slut!

We live in a society where women are mostly dictated how to be 'worthy' in many aspects of things. All because the vagina she posseses. Unused ones seem to hold a higher value. Dare I say how PASSE? Let's not go there.

Being female myself, I was also the subject of this 'drilling'. I was told how to walk, I was told how to dress, I was told how to sit, I was told how to eat, I was told how to speak, I was told how to smile, I was told how to do EVERYTHING.

All so I can catch the highest bidder.

My parents were such control freaks to the extent that I wasn't allowed to wear certain clothes. These being :

1. Sleeveless shirt.
2. Shorts
3. Skirts
4. Body-hugging shirts.
5. Basically anything that they deem 'slutty'.

"Don't look like your cousins from KL, they have no morals". Since when does clothes decided a woman's worth? Which asshole decided it should be so?

A few weeks back, I asked the mother not to sew on the sleeves to a Salwar Khameez since the suit would look better that way. My mother ran her hand on my entire arm and 'decided' that "your arms looks nice enough. Okay, I'll allow".

What she didn't know was that I wasn't asking her permission, I was TELLING her. I was also utterly disgusted when she did that.
It's revolting how every aspect of my life was 'dictated' by someone. For what purpose? For whom am I doing this?

If you really look at it, the world favours men. Men have more freedom in expressing themselves than women. The repercussions of their actions aren't dictated by their clothes or their behaviours. A woman had always lived in a freaking dystopia. It's all perception. Let's take the Fatalistic Approach and look at some things here.

Women are objectified.

Simple as that. Are we even acknowledged as a person? An intelligent woman is frightening to the lesser man, this is truth without question.

Women are latently made to believe they exist to serve others. They're mannequins on display so others can gawk and gape. It is up to her environment to dictate how she should be for other people's convenience. Why? So you can look at her and go "that's my girl! I taught her how to do so and so". Our mothers pass this disturbing legacy down to us. Basically a woman is told "you only exist to be enjoyed by others".

What am I, your plasticine?

One thing that really gets me all riled up is when a woman is autonomous on deciding what to do with her body. Like, she is not even allowed to DECIDE what to fucking do with her goddamned body that she owns and resides.

"She was wearing such revealing clothes, no wonder she got raped".
Oh hell no. She can walk nude in the streets and that is not your permission nor it is your entitlement to touch her. Keep your hands in your pockets and walk on.
Who are you to invade someone's privacy?

"Who told her to get drunk in the bar, it's like she's asking for it".
She's there to have a good time, why do you think it was a good idea to touch her when she's incapable of rational thinking due to intoxication? Why do you think you were entitled to touch her? Aren't you an asshole, buddy?

"If she's not a virgin, what difference does it make if she got raped?"
Gee I dunno, one is consensual and the other wasn't? It's her goddamned vagina, SHE decides what to do with it. How do you like it if you were forced into compulsory vasectomy after age 40 as a means of population control? If balls are involved the story changes it's course, doesn't it? Besides, if you think rape is the victim's fault...I'd like you to debate this story.

A man walks out the door wearing nothing but his speedos. It was 2am in the night in a relatively homely neighbourhood. He felt like going for a walk and so he did. He wore speedos because hell, he felt like wearing it too. Who's to say he can't? So our protagonist of the story walked a few minutes on the pavements when out of nowhere a man jumps out the bushes, pins him down, takes off his speedos and buttfucks him. The protagonists begs, screams and yells for the perp to stop but alas his anus got pounded nonetheless. 
When the perp is done with the protagonist, he zips his pants and says "that'll teach you not to wear speedos at this hour".

Who will you blame in this scenario? Put a woman in there and let's see where the blame flies.

Roughly translates as: *after the terrible grammar* Whatever the obstacles may be, these sluts deserved to be taught a lesson. *some more terrible grammar* Let's teach these sluts some lessons!

Facebook page that demoralizes and dehumanizes Indian girls who posted pictures online. Do not ask me the nature of the picture, it's not my business nor it is yours. You see, apparently the admin of this page is a major creeper who I suspect has his pants permanently down his ankles and one hand below the desk, updating pictures of girls in sexy clothes. Multitasking expert lah.

Of course, the comments that follows after the postage of each picture is something to behold as well.

Aww....someone had been rejected one too many times? Because yeah, calling girls bitches makes you a real man. Not.

I cannot convey my disgust. I cannot express how this is where I lost my faith in men. Not all men are bad, there are real gems out there. But when this is the kind of people that exists in your immediate environment  you can't help but think "is it my karma that I have to see such things? Things that make my heart rip out each time I wanna believe society is getting better?" 

I dont understand how and why these people think they're qualified or entitled to 'teach' girls how to dress? Suka hati dia lah, kau kisah apa? Or are you bitter that NONE of those confident girls would ever consider scums like you? Those girls did NOTHING to deserve this. NOTHING.

You are the one in need of psychiatric intervention here. You're a danger to women everywhere.

Now do you see my point, readers? Men like these think they hold the authority to give the green light on how a woman should be. God forbid if a woman has confidence, God forbid! Insecure wankers just can't mind their own fucking business.

And you wonder why most psychotropic medicine users are women? And you wonder why depression is higher among woman? Do you know the actress Bette Davis? Notorious for never holding back her thoughts and opinions, she was deemed an 'Unwoman'. Her rival Joan Crawford was the embodiment of a perfect lady. Except that Davis was incredibly intelligent and Crawford was a self-entitled airhead. A society-dictated 'ideal woman' standards states that Bette Davis be scorned and be the subject of insults. If a woman is decided as an 'Unwoman', everything else just cancels itself.

Are you depressed yet?


Hemashree Krishnan said...

I love you for this! You left no stone unturned. Well analyzed and well written.

Hemashree Krishnan said...

I love you for this. You stole the words from my mouth.

Hemashree Krishnan said...

Two thumbs up!

Princess Ganga said...

Thank you, my fellow writer!


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