29 April 2012

Spook Attack: A Survival Kit Against Spectral Invaders

There's something strange...
In the neighborhood...
Who ya gonna call?
Muthusamy Karrupiah!!!

Fine, that was bad trolling.

My intense interest in anything spectral will be evident in this post where in one instance I can be serious about and at other times - poke fun of entities who might want to avenge their ghostly dignity.

1. When encountering one, say hello.

2. When it grabs you, moan in ecstasy.

3. When you see it at your window, yell ''Goddamnit, I just cleaned that!".

4. When a shadowlurker-type smiles, smile back and ask if it wants to see your My Little Pony figurine collection.

5. When it screeches to scare the pants of you, play Rebecca Black's Friday.

21 April 2012

Femme Talk: Orgasmic Childbirth

As usual, my pervert self had been perusing information about female sexuality. Particularly, the G-Spot.

The mechanism of triggering a G-Spot is fairly simple. The G-spot is a soft tissue that lays right behind a woman's pubic bone. It's an inch or three in the upper vaginal lining.

Many women have confirmed that orgasm received from stimulating the G-spot is the most powerful and pleasurable one they can experience - next to clitoral stimulation and cervical orgasms.

Of between perusing information of horny women, I suddenly had this wild idea.

The G-spot basically receives pressure until it reaches it's peak. The 'push' principle of the pubic bone is the same as when a woman gives birth(the birth canal is stretched extremely so that it moves certain organs within its reach) especially when the baby's head is at the tightest in the pubic bone area, I find myself asking:

What are they chances that some of these women had their G-spot stimulated when the baby's head is wedged near the pubic bone, thus resulting in an orgasmic birth?

The next instant, I 'raped' Youtube and Google with myriads of information about this fascinating phenomena.

What I found had confirmed my suspicion/theory!

Although I have perused many videos of women disclosing about their experience, this is the one that answered my question most accurately.

The next videos I found in Youtube are simply for your entertainment.

Here are some online articles:



I should think for many of my female friends who are planning to have their own family, lets hope that we are the lucky bitches who can experience bliss in popping our diaper-machines.

20 April 2012

A Little Girl with Her Imaginary Friend, Lisa

I was scrolling through tumblr and I came across this post. I HAD to save the pictures because

1) Holy shit, this little girls imaginary friend appears to be a freaking ghost. As we all know, children do tend to have vivid imagination but...there's also a well known but hushed fact that children can see entities beyond the living dimension. I'm starting to wonder if Lisa is this girl's over-creative figment of imagination or something foul is afoot.

2) The entire chronological event of her entries astoundingly, make complete sense and obvious interpretations.

These are the images. It is kind of small but do try.

You know what? I noticed something bad here. Something that seems to spawn straight from a gore horror movie. Her teacher Mrs.Monroe dissed Lisa and she ended up underground like Lisa's daddy. Little Girl's dad dissed Lisa too and he is also underground.

Something doesn't seem right here, now, doesn't it?

It's fairly uncommon for children to have imaginary friends that are indeed free roaming apparitions of the beyond but this...I would be concerned if she was my daughter.

What'cha ya'll think?

10 April 2012

Foxit Reader is the BOMB.

Fuck off, Adobe Reader. You have given me nothing but trouble with your constant crashes and incessant updates.

A little history:

I'm a psychology degree student and my life revolves around reading journals by fat intelligent men with receding hairline.

Adobe Reader sometimes doesn't even allow me to read the pdf files. The thing is, I couldn't highlight the main points of the journals to be paraphrased in my assignments that I had to resort to cutting & pasting them into a Word document and labelling each one as 'direct quotes' and 'paraphrase'. It's a hassle and too much work. Don't even me get me started on referencing each of the authors at the end of my notes.

What Foxit Reader allowed me to do is:

a) Letting me choose the color scheme of the reader - blue, orange, purple, black and classic. It's more fun to read your files in a more 'fun' way.

b) You can highlight your notes easy-peasy. In your favourite red color of the exact shade that you like.

c) They even have those underline methods where you can choose of squiggly, wavy etc...even the colors of your underlines according to importance.

d) You can make notes and comments at anywhere on the pdf files.

e) They even have bookmark features.

f) Opens up as many pdf files and easy acess to each opened one.

g) It allows you to draw custom shapes into your files and saves them.

h) Oooooookkkaaayyy, to be honest it was also part intrinsic motivation to try something different.

In conclusion, Foxit Reader rocks balls.

So thank you Foxit Reader for making a busy student's life helluva lot easier and this is my unpaid review of your product.

Review ~ The Girl in the Ice by Robert Bryndza

  I'd give this 3.5 stars. It's his first book so there's that.  The plot ran smoothly with realistic dynamics between character...